Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Programmer Competency Matrix

This website, presents an interesting perspective on the evaluation of the technical career development of a programmer.

It's also quite worrying, and presents a warning in large, friendly yet urgent letters: KEEP UP TO DATE!

I think I may have to do a little more extra-curricular reading and development in order to keep up with the times... (Like keeping a blog, for instance!)

...But why bother, if (a) your employer doesn't recognise or reward extra-curricular personal development, and (b) you don't want to, or have no need to change jobs?

Hmmm... This king of thinking is dangerous in these times, particularly as previously-thought secure jobs aren't as secure any more, and cross training to other domains within your current employment is nigh-on impossible.

You may be an expert in your domain, but if your employer makes you redundant, and there are no more employers in your area with requirements for your expertise, and you are unwilling/unable to move to a location closer to matching employers, then down-grading to a more junior position in another domain may be your only hope, unless, somehow, you can build up your experience in other fields at home.

1 comment:

Michel Bagnol said...


I have "ported" the programmer competency matrix to Excel and added some self-evaluation functionalities.

Please find the Excel version of the Programmer Competency Matrix here: